Pastor Calvin Glass was born January 18, 1959 in Detroit, MI to Pastor Clyde and First Lady Loraine Glass. Pastor Glass preached his first sermon in 1984. He is the founding Pastor of Lord of Lords Ministries, and Community Center that started January 16, 1990. Pastor Glass is married to First Lady Nina (Oakes) Glass, together they have 8 children and over 20 grandchildren.
Pastor Nina was born August 19, 1962 in New York City to Gloria (Oakes) Booker and Fredrick Oakes (Bilial Farid). Pastor Nina loves to crochet, crafting, making T-Shirts and interceding for her family and others. She loves to praise dance, teach God's word, and minister on social media outlets. Pastor Nina's desire is to see individuals develop a real and meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Nina's vision is to open her own retail shop one day.
Pastor Calvin Glass has four degrees:
1. Associate of Arts in Urban Studies
2. Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies (both from William Tyndale Bible College)
3. Master of Arts in Theological Studies
4. Master of Divinity in Theological Studies (both from Liberty Theological Seminary)
5. He is presently enrolled in Liberty University's Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) Theology and Apologetics Cognate
Pastor Glass has self-published his first book: I'm On the Right Road Now: Keys to Understanding Your Spiritual Journey. He is called the family Eulogist because he has eulogized over fifty close relatives. His goal is to write at least three more books:
1. The Preaching Poet
2. My Sermon Notes
3. Racial Reconciliation Theology: Building Better Relationships
With a sense of urgency and accountability Lord of Lords Church will consistently make "healthy" and "properous" disciples for the Kingdom of God.